Thursday, January 31, 2008

Block-black voting

Well, the bear is back and it is primary time. Whoopee! The democrats finally outdid themselves. After years of promoting black voting in blocks, it has backfired on them and it looks as if they will have a minority of a minority selecting their presidential candidate this year which not only guarantees their defeat, but pits the old line nor'east libs (kinnidies) against the noveau wannibies (klitons). How unAmerican traitorous rants have turned in upon themselves. And Caroline says Hussein Obama reminds her of her father; oh, yes - the guy Goldwater said suffered diahrheaaaaa all through the Cuban crisis because his guts were messy. Get 'em libs, get 'em!!! The Bear.

1 comment:

Votre Fille Premier said...

Sounds like the ramblings of a fucking imbecile with alcoholic related dementia to me.